November 18


Signs That Indicate Your Loved One Is Ready for Assisted Living

Knowing when to start looking for assisted living facilities for loved ones is never easy. They might wish to stay in their home environment for as long as possible, and you feel sad about the prospect of removing them from it.

However, assisted living is the reality for many people experiencing illnesses and age-related decline. Now might be the right time to explore assisted living facilities if you can relate to some of the following situations.

They Have a Chronic Condition

You might need to look at assisted living households and adult family homes like Longhouse if your loved one has a severe chronic condition that will eventually prevent them from being able to take care of themselves. Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease are just a few of the many debilitating and life-changing illnesses that can eventually see the need for professional assistance.

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They Are Losing or Gaining Weight

Weight fluctuations are common throughout our lifetime, but when we become older, they can sometimes indicate a possible issue that requires addressing. Unintentional weight loss or gain can sometimes mean they are experiencing a mental illness, depression, a chronic physical illness, or problems with their medication. If their weight fluctuations concern you, try to address them through lifestyle changes and in-home care before considering an assisted living facility.

They Can’t Perform Essential Daily Tasks

Most of us don’t think twice about showering, preparing meals, and doing household chores, especially when we’re fit and able. However, such tasks can become challenging when you’re elderly or experiencing an illness.

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If you’ve noticed that your loved one is no longer preparing meals for themselves, isn’t showering, and is falling behind on basic household chores like dishes, vacuuming, and bed-making, consider intervening to get to the bottom of it. You might discover that an illness or pain is preventing them from taking care of themselves, and assistance to live comfortably could be required.

They’re Experiencing Frequent Falls

Many older adults are at risk of falls due to poor balance, nutritional deficiencies, medication side effects, and eyesight problems. They are also the leading cause of morbidity and disability, with more than one-third of people over 65 experiencing a fall each year. While you might reduce the risk of in-home falls by installing rails and non-slip flooring, not all falls can be avoided. If you’re concerned about your loved one’s ability to keep themselves safe, they might no longer be able to live independently.

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They’re Isolating Themselves

Some older adults are vulnerable to loneliness and isolation due to deteriorating health and mobility and losing friends and family. You might notice that they don’t venture out as much, rarely do more than visit the grocery store, and make excuses not to attend social occasions. These can all be signs that they aren’t coping at home alone and require further help.

It’s never easy knowing when it’s the right time to start talking to your loved one about going into care. You might even feel uncomfortable about the situation, knowing they won’t always want to leave the comfort and familiarity of their surroundings. However, if you can relate to these situations, it’s important to consider it as a possibility. The sooner you plan for assisted living, the easier the transition might be.


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