June 9


Is My Betta Fry Eating? 5 Signs You Can Watch For


Betta fish are omnivorous. They eat both plant foods and animal foods, though their natural diet is primarily small aquatic creatures, like mosquito larvae, small crustaceans, and another small fry. Once you get a betta fish in your home, you can offer them a more varied diet by offering them staple foods such as bloodworm, black mosquito larva (known as mosquitoes), brine shrimp, daphnia, algae tablets, leafy greens and peaches. Betta fish are especially fond of chunks of meat or live insects. They’ll do anything they can to get these treats or to drive other tank mates away so they have some peace to chow down on their prey. Here are the top five reasons why your Betta Fish may be having a hard time eating:

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Changed His Water


When you first get a cheap betta fish for sale, you are required to change its water. This is because betta fish are fish, and fish require a certain type of water to thrive and survive. If you put your fish in water that isn’t their natural environment, they may be unable to thrive, and may even die. Luckily, this isn’t a huge deal. There are a few different ways you can go about changing your Betta’s water. You can use an air pump method, which involves setting up an air pump in the tank so that your water is pumped from the tank to an external container, from which you can drain it. Then, you can dump the water, rinse the tank out, and refill it with your Betta’s new water. Alternatively, you can use a water-pump method. This involves setting up a water pump in the tank so that your water is pumped from the tank to an external container. Then, you can dump the water and rinse the tank out with fresh water. One thing to keep in mind is that if you change your Betta’s water, you must keep it in a special bowl that isn’t in your regular tank. This bowl is there so that any fish that may escape from your tank never get to the new, cleaner water.


He’s Sick

Betta fish can be susceptible to a variety of illnesses. Some of these illnesses include ich (a disease caused by a microscopic parasite), bacterial infections, and fungus. If your Betta seems to be acting “off”, or if he has any red spots on his body, he may be sick. You can also try treating a sick Betta with antibiotics designed for fish, as long as you don’t have a bacterial infection. If your Betta isn’t showing any signs of illness, you can try adjusting his diet to see if that helps him feel better. Betta fish often get bored with a diet, so changing the food you offer him up can help him stay interested. Switch up your Betta’s staple foods, and try offering him smaller bits of meat and insects. If changing his diet doesn’t work, you may want to take him to a vet.

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He Has a Pecking Disorder

If your Betta seems to be constantly pecking at his tank mates, or if your Betta has started attacking his tank mates with greater violence than usual, he may have a pecking disorder. Betta fish are territorial, so if one of your fish is nagging your Betta constantly, he may get “bitten back” and start feeling territorial himself. The best way to combat this problem is to either pick one of your Betta’s tank mates and keep him in his own tank or pick a few of your Betta’s tank mates and put them in multiple tanks. However, if this isn’t an option, or if your Betta is constantly pecking at his tank mates, you may want to consider getting a new Betta or transferring him to a different tank.

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Nobody Likes To Be Scared Off

Betta fish are very timid creatures. If you ever see your Betta start to get nervous, you may want to consider picking him up and placing him in a different tank. If the tank your Betta is in is too small, or if he’s scared of his surroundings, he may get nervous and start to hide. If your Betta starts to hide, it can be a sign that he’s scared of something in his tank. If your Betta is hiding, you may want to consider getting a bigger tank. Keep in mind that you’ll always have to change the water in a larger tank, so be prepared to do that. If your Betta is always hiding, or if you think he isn’t eating well, you may want to consider taking him to a veterinarian.

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Nobody Is Late To Dinner

Betta fish are also known as “starchy” fish, and they need a high amount of starch in their diet. You can supplement your Betta’s diet with a high-starch pellet, but you should remember to change his water when you do. Starchy foods can pose a risk to your Betta if they aren’t kept clean. Betta fish are especially prone to disease when kept in unsanitary conditions, so you should keep their tank clean and free of excess plant food. If your Betta isn’t eating a high amount of starch food, he may be stressed out. Try changing his water, and adding more starch food to his diet. If he’s still not eating, you may want to consider taking him to a veterinarian.

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Betta fish are beautiful, fascinating, and highly intelligent creatures. They’re also extremely social, and will often seek out a tank mate to spend their days with. You can keep a Betta in an aquarium as small as six gallons, though the larger the tank, the more room they’ll have to move around and swim. Betta fish require a stable temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit, so you’ll want to make sure that your home’s temperature is stable enough to keep your Betta comfortable.



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